Merit Awards

The Merit Awards Committee needs your input to ensure proper recognition of the outstanding volunteer contributions made by our members and friends of the Association, and to ensure that the Award Recipients continue to reflect the high standards of commitment and dedication to the Association and to the community as they have in the past.

2013 Merit Award Form - NOTE: The revised deadline for submission is March 14, 2014

1. The Herb Hughes Memorial Award
The Herb Hughes Memorial is the highest and most prestigious award of our Association and is intended to give recognition to a member who has made numerous outstanding contributions to our Association and the industry and whose professional conduct is exemplary. The Merit Awards Committee will reserve the right not to make the award if there is not an eligible recipient. This policy will maintain the award's high standards.

2. CAPL Distinguished Citizen Award
One (1) special Landman will be honoured for his/her accomplishments outside of CAPL through volunteer work in the community or petroleum industry which enhances the image of our profession and our Association. The Merit Awards Committee will reserve the right not to make the award if there is not an eligible recipient. This policy will maintain the award's high standards.

3. CAPL Award of Merit
Up to three (3) awards will be made to CAPL Members who have made significant contributions to the Association by their participation on committees and in special events during 2013. The Executive and Directors are exempt and at least one (1) winner must not be a Committee Chairman.

4. CAPL Outstanding Graduate Award
One (1) award will be given to a former or existing student volunteer of CAPL who has graduated from an accredited university or college within the last 3 years. This individual will have demonstrated enthusiasm, energy, an interest in volunteerism within their educational program and the Association, and a willingness to make a positive contribution to our Association during 2013.

5. Bright Lights Award
Up to three (3) awards will be given. One in each of the areas surface, minerals and contracts to members of CAPL with memberships less than 5 years who have demonstrated enthusiasm, energy and a willingness to make a positive contribution to our Association during 2013.

6. Volunteer Supporter Award
One (1) award will be given to a company that has actively encouraged its employees to get involved in our industry and Association. CAPL is run by volunteers, and we would like to recognize those companies who give their full support to their employees' participation.

7. Friends of CAPL Award
Four (4) to eight (8) awards will be made to companies or individuals that have made significant contributions to our Association. In valuing the contributions, special consideration shall be given to the types of contributions or services provided to the Association, and any forms of non-monetary support.