Standard Forms

Notice of Assignments

Industry Agreement on Assignments

2007 CAPL Operating Procedure

Independent Operations Notice

These templates are a guide only and we encourage each company to review the templates and adjust them accordingly to suit your specific needs.

CAPL Affidavit for Land Agent License Renewal

Do you hold a Permanent Alberta Land Agent License?

If so, are you aware of the recent Amendments to the regulations? Listed below is the January 21st, 2008 Information Letter that Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry sent to all Licensed Land Agents indicating the amendments.

When renewing your license you now have to complete a minimum 14 hours "improving your professional competence outside of your normal work". As indicated in the "Qualification for Renewal of a Permanent Land Agent License" you will notice that Committee or Board Service will be accepted and will count towards this 14 hour requirement.

CAPL has created an affidavit for submission with your renewal application. The Land Agent Licensing Registrar requires this affidavit for any CAPL Committee or Board hours submitted on your Renewal Qualification Form.