The CAPL E=MC2 committee (formerly Energy In Action committee) works under the CAPL Board’s Public Relations portfolio (Justin Sullivan.) Under the direction of Larry Buzan P. Land (Chair) and Geoff Thiessen (Vice Chair) we meet once every month and have subcommittees on government relations, facts & research on Energy; education and curriculum; media relations and we work along side the University of Calgary and Olds College as well as many public and separate schools desiring to know more about Landmen and Energy.

Its mandate is to work together with existing Energy support causes and organizations (like Cody Battershill’s Canada Action group) to inform the public and government bodies about the facts relating to the Energy Industry.

Who is Cody Battershill?

  • Cody Battershill is a Calgary Realtor who has a passion for getting to the bottom of (truth of) issues relating to oil and gas.   Self funded for years, Cody created Canada Action as a result of hearing a deluge of misinformation about the Alberta Oil Sands while living in Vancouver.  He has spent an amazing amount of time researching the facts and created Canada Action as a result of what he uncovered. Cody has presented to CAPL a number of times relating to timely issues for our industry and has provided information to us on how to get involved.  He has also been leading rallies, speaking on radio and social media and successfully debating with those who would use misinformation  and providing timely and factual information to the general public.


  • Canada Action is a volunteer-led grassroots movement encouraging all Canadians to take action and work together in support of our vital natural resources sector.   It is critical for all of Canada, not just the producing provinces, to be educated about the social and economic benefits provided by the resource sector – both historically and for the future of a world that demands energy from Canadians.


  • We (the oil and gas community) have been silent for far too long and Canada Action and others have a great process and team set up to create change, educate, and inform.  The CAPL E=MC2 committee was created to increase our voice for its members, and to add our voices for our Energy industry.  Quite frankly it looks strange when organizations like Canada Action, Canada’s Energy Citizens, and Oil Respect are speaking out loudly while the folks on the front line are remaining silent. However, while anti-energy groups and Canada Action have been battling, what have we as an industry been doing? Working. But after 2015 when jobs were lost in the thousands; after an Alberta government unfriendly to the industry took the reins and after the federal government changed hands and fought against our industry it was high time we stood up to be counted.
  • Our membership’s strength is our ability to foster positive relationships and negotiate even the most difficult situations. The struggle to have our voice heard and be recognized in the provincial, national and international discussions, that go on every day, surrounding our business, and the challenges it faces, need this strength and leadership in order to be successful.  We need a seat at the table with the decision maker and we need a voice of reason (truth) in the media.
  • We are the subject matter experts relating to land; we can provide templates to our members and to groups like Canada Action to disseminate to their community to blast out to the folks who need a better understanding.
  • We want to make it easy for our members to participate and make a difference and this partnership will allow us to do this more easily – why reinvent the wheel?

How can I as a CAPL member help?

  • Add CAPL, Canada Action, Rally 4 Resources, Oil Respect and Canada Energy Citizens on social media and share their posts (see below for info).
  • Write to your MLA and MP – contact each of them monthly. We provide the templates.   Chat with them, email them, text them… get to know them.
  • Volunteer with the E=MC2 committee (see contact information below.)
  • Volunteer with Canada Action and attend their events.
  • Fund Energy support groups individually and have your company donate.
  • Canada Action’s hard work helps our industry get things done.  Here is the link to donate: https://canadaaction.nationbuilder.com/donate.  Look for Canada Action (and Cody Battershill) at upcoming CAPL Events/Meetings and ask him about ways to help stand up for our industry and inform the public!!

Websites:  http://www.energycitizens.ca/; CanadaAction.ca; oilrespect.ca; landman.ca
Facebook.com: Canada Action, OilSandsAction, oilrespect, CAPL
Twitter @CanadaAction @OilSandsAction @PipelineAction @CAPLCanadian @oilrespect  @energy_citizens @Rally4Resources

LinkedIn #weareland #CAPL #iamland

Larry Buzan, P. Land
Chair, CAPL E=MC2

Geoff Thiessen
Vice Chair, CAPL E=MC2

Links & Letters

Keep Sandpoint Rolling

Keep Canada Working – Sign the petition to keep the Trans Mountain Pipeline  

Times Colonist March 2018 – Ron Vermeulen

Canada: Stop Being Sorry For Energy, Sorry – Youtube Video

Federal Member of Parliament: http://www.elections.ca/scripts/vis/FindED?L=e&PAGEID=20
Alberta Provincial MLA: http://streetkey.elections.ab.ca/
BC Provincial MLA: https://www.leg.bc.ca/learn-about-us/members
SK Provincial MLA: http://www.elections.sk.ca/voters/find-my-mla/
MB Provincial MLA: http://www.electionsmanitoba.ca/en/voting/mla

