Post Secondary

University of Calgary PLMA Class of 2017

Student Bio’s



University of Calgary PLM Endowment Fund

The Petroleum Land Management (PLMA) program at the Haskayne School of Business was established in 1984 through the initiative and financial support of industry and CAPL.  Haskayne offers the only University level Petroleum Land Management concentration in Canada and is one of five programs in the world.  More information on this program is available at  This program is funded in part by the PLM Endowment Fund, should you be interested in donating to this fund, please email or contact the program coordinator at 403-220-3373.

The Gary F Aitken Memorial Fund


University of Calgary PLM Mentor Program

The Mentorship Committee has taken great strides in assisting many university students enrolled in the Petroleum Land Management Program at the University of Calgary to assist these aspiring young Landmen to get their “foot in the door”. This program which sees PLM students being mentored by experienced Landmen in real working environments has allowed many of the students to find full time positions in the business, often with the mentor’s company. All CAPL members should consider donating their time to share their knowledge and experience by mentoring a PLM student – you’ll be amazed at what you can learn!

If you are interested in more information, please contact either:

Olds College

Centre for Energy Asset Management Studies

CAPL Scholarship Application

Each year, the CAPL Scholarship Committee awards land management students with scholarships from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen’s Scholarship Trust Fund. Since 1971, the CAPL Scholarship Committee has granted scholarships to exemplary land students who plan to pursue a career in the energy industry and who demonstrate financial need.

The CAPL Scholarship Committee recognizes and rewards promising students enrolled in the Surface Land Management Program of Olds College and/or the Energy and Petroleum Land Management Program of the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business.

This year’s application deadline is November 6, 2019

To apply, Olds College Surface Land Management students currently enrolled in their second year of study and Haskayne Energy and Petroleum Land Management undergraduate students currently enrolled in their first year of the program are asked to complete an application form and submit the application via email in conjunction with their post-secondary academic transcripts to the current chair of the committee, which contact can be provided to you by your program director.

Alternatively the applications can be mailed to the CAPL office at:

Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen
1600, 520 – 5th Avenue S.W.
Calgary AB T2P 3R7

Following short interviews with promising candidates, scholarship recipients are notified in the fall with funds distributed each December.

CAPL Scholarship Application

You can email the application to the office here.

Land Program Links

CAPL maintains contact with the various Post Secondary Institutions in the Province that offer Land Programs. It is vital that the CAPL be an advisor for the programs offered in order that we may all continue to support and provide the programs necessary to insure a bright future for our profession and industry.

Below are links to both Provincial and International Land Program sites:

If you are interested in more information contact us at the CAPL office.