It’s hard to not be invigorated about the Olympics after hearing Catriona Le May Doan speak to members at the January 18, 2018 CAPL Management Night general meeting. Her actions which parallel how loudly they speak to us just like her words, impart to us encouragement in the face of all obstacles – and in her case, to her defense of her gold medal speed skating event. A tremendous amount of effort and a focus on doing her best, everyday.
We have our own gold medalists here at CAPL. They reside on every volunteer committee, at the Board level and at the CAPL office. They work with us as legal advisors, land brokers, trade consultants in energy and in our land departments at work. Do they all have gold medals to prove it? No. But they each could be recognized for one or more as we review the Merit Award nominees based on the forms you send us. Never underestimate the power of being a CAPL volunteer, and coincidently, never under appreciate each other as you perform the many skills necessary to make the Association run well. I speak as one who was recognized for my efforts in 2008 and having served for years on the Merit Awards committee, I heartily approved of their efforts to see our people, the companies they work for and the Friends of CAPL receive their due at this annual event. This year it is combined with elections on April 26, 2018. The deadline is February 15 for the Nomination forms so Committee leaders and members – look at your people and submit the forms next week if you can.
The books – Better than 18 months ago and getting stronger as we ‘hold the line’ everywhere, you will notice differences in 2018. Yes, we have reduced the GM’s to 3 plus the Conference, but we have removed the ‘tax’ on attending Networking events. We would ask that you attend as many of these events as you can in support of CAPL and each other as we return to better times in the industry.
Education –Our Education Committee has announced reduced pricing on courses as we look to 2018 as a re-certification year for many. Please consult our website and check it out.
2018 Conference – We are looking forward to the official launch of this Regina Conference and we are far ahead of schedule in regard to program, activities and scheduling. Updates will be posted on the CAPL website and the new APP will be launched to accommodate everything you might wonder about. We can promise that this Conference will appeal to the 2-day Conference folks and the 4-day ones. We can promise a link to the Regina community and to each other in all respects. And we trust that this event may sellout quickly. Our theme of Growing Possibilities will percolate into every element of the 2018 Conference with an emphasis and a focus on providing delegates with unique and non-traditional hands on educational opportunities.
CAPL Initiatives – Between PR, Energy in Action, Regulatory and Professionalism, CAPL is striving to meet the needs of our members in energy and their employers through its proactive approach in every respect. Often we have to jump to the sound of a regulator’s trumpet but we do engage at every opportunity. In addition we would request that you follow and participate on Facebook and Twitter the efforts of Vivian Krause (@FairQuestions), Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) and Alex Esptein (@AlexEpstein) as they do the research on both interlopers into our energy lives and electoral process across Canada, and as political pressures limit real science measures and answering what does cause changes in our environment here in Canada and around the world. Opportunities to invest in these folks will be coming and will be available on CAPL’s website soon.
Keep in touch – Members are taking advantage of our email addresses and and tell us about your solutions, your ‘beefs and bouquets’ as it is described. We are enjoying the use of the large CAPL classroom named after Jim O’Byrne, and the use of the 2017 Property Transfer Procedure, and we look forward in February 2018 to the new 2017 PJVA CAPL Pad Site Sharing Agreement all of which provide each of us with ample opportunities to learn and execute on those learnings.
Take the opportunities to pass on the real truth behind fossil fuels, Canada’s dependence on them and the livelihood we all enjoy as a result of same and speaking that truth into the lives of ordinary Canadians who need to hear it, maybe for the first time. Our future depends on it.
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen is a cross-Canadian non-profit Association with over 1600 members with objectives to:
- promote education and training in petroleum land management, including a structured mentorship program, student scholarship program and support of educational institution curriculums, and student body organizations;
- engage with and provide input to the public and governmental agencies through its Board of Directors;
- encourage fellowship and cooperation among its members through association-sponsored activities; and
- establish the highest professional and ethical standards through education and professional designations (P. Land, PSL, CML and CSL.)
Larry Buzan, P.Land
CAPL President 2016-2018