
WHAT IS #IAMLAND? It is the CAPL’s Public Relation Committee’s newest campaign in part to focus on two of CAPL’s main objectives as related to the committee and the work that we do:

  1. to promote appreciation for and public understanding of the work performed by its members;
  2. to engage in public and governmental relations with respect to matters directly related to the work of its members in the oil and gas industry.

Our Challenges

For a marketing campaign to be successful, we must realize what our current challenges are with our existing structure.

  • Our current Social Media Outreach targets our existing membership, who are not currently overly engaged.
  • Print material is limited to The Negotiator, which only is viewed by the membership and random website visitors. Print material for the CAPL booth is out of date and requires some attention.
  • Our current membership is diverse.  We need to reach out to all membership in all forms of media: print, social media and phone.

One of our biggest challenges is simply not knowing what we do. Many members are on the understanding that the main purpose of the PR Committee is to take the booth to as many events as possible to promote CAPL. In theory, we try to attend High School Career Fairs and other related Industry Fairs/Exhibitions as mandated by the CAPL Executive, however there is so much more the PR Committee can do and will be doing to promote CAPL

Moving Forward

The marketing campaign will be divided into two phases: internal and external. The #iamland campaign will focus on engaging our membership to become more involved not only within our association but with promotion of our association to the outside world. We are our own best form of marketing; therefore, we will be asking the membership to partake in various social media and marketing campaigns throughout the year.  The only way to promote ourselves as a strong organization to the public is to begin with promoting out strengths to our own membership. Some questions we will be asking our membership to advise us on are as follows:

  • Why are you a landman?
  • Why are you proud to be a landman?
  • What is it that you enjoy about being a landman?

Far too often we get caught up in our lives and do not think about what it is that we do, and how it affects the overall picture. We truly are our own best cheerleaders. We need to be proud of what it is we do, and own it.
Part of the campaign will also focus on working with the Technology committee volunteer Social Media Manager, Rebecca Histed. Rebecca, with the help of our administration team in the office, will oversee the Social Media outlets for CAPL, including Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, and our own website.  If you are not engaged in these social media outlets, we encourage you to join us.
In collaboration with the Technology Committee, we will be doing Member Features throughout our various media outlets. Each month moving forward, we will be featuring two of our members to spotlight.  The spotlight will focus on volunteers in our association who have given back to the association.  We encourage our membership to get in contact with a member of the PR Committee to nominate someone who you feel would be worthy of this recognition.  We will also be featuring a new member every month; new members are great for any organization and we look forward to allowing our new members to be recognized for joining CAPL.
In moving forward with the recent evolution of technology, we will also be doing short video clips to share with our industry and membership on what CAPL is, what we do and how fit into the industry.  This will continuously evolve and still needs some tweeks worked out before it will become part of the overall campaign.
One of biggest projects will be establishing us #iknowland database. Like a knowledge providers/mentor focus, we will be asking our membership about their strengths and their willingness to help other members with questions.  As the role of the landman evolves, we need to rely on one another to ensure that we are all continuing to learn as our industry evolves.

What is in This For Me as a CAPL Member?

Now, after reading this, the biggest question one might have is, what do I get out of this?  You get to be you, you get to be a landman. You can look at yourself every day and remind yourself why you are proud to do what you do. Sometimes we often need a little reminder that we are amazing people and we do amazing things for our industry.  We, as an association and individuals, need to be proud of who we are and what we do. I am proud to be a landman, proud to be part of this great organization, and I hope you all are too.
Phase 2 for our external role rut will be featured in the following months’ Negotiator. Stay tuned!

By: Janice Redmond


Published: The Negotiator, March 2017

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