PRIME:  Process Renewal and Infrastructure Management Enhancement (PRIME) Project

PRIME is the Ministry of the Economy’s (ECON) Process Renewal and Infrastructure Management Enhancement (PRIME) program.

This initiative will renew and modernize ECON’s oil and gas business processes and computer systems.

At a high level, PRIME will:

  • Renew ECON’s oil and gas business processes and information systems to better meet the needs of industry stakeholders and the ministry; and
  • Develop the Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) to support the ministry’s new business processes that will provide web-based self-service functionality to industry.

PRIME will modernize the ministry’s business processes and systems related to:

  • Well and facility infrastructure (coming in November 2015)
  • Petroleum tenure (coming in November 2015)
  • Oil and gas volumetric and valuation reporting (completed in 2012 with the implementation of Saskatchewan data on Petrinex)
  • Oil and gas royalty and tax information and billing (completed in 2013)

The government’s oil and gas legislation and regulations are being modernized to support the new business processes being introduced by PRIME.  Please refer to the following:  Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy letter and draft copy of The Oil and Gas Tenure Registry Regulations

The CAPL BD-SK Committee has provided general comments to this document; however, it is open for additional inputs until September 21, 2015. Please provide any feedback directly to the Ministry as per the guidance in the draft.

For more information about PRIME and IRIS, go to: