Register Now! New Pad Site Sharing Agreement Seminar – A Joint Session by PJVA & CAPL
November 19, 2019
CAPL classroom (1600, 520 – 5 Avenue SW)\
Instructor: Michael Bruch
Fees: $300 (+gst) CAPL and PJVA Members
$400 (+gst) Non-members
Time: 8:00 am Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:30 am – 4:00 pm Seminar
Industry is increasingly drilling from shared well pads in which wells and facilities are not held in common interests. The PSSA provides the documentation and operating framework to address the wide range of issues inherent in a pad sharing scenario. There is an integration of JV and Land concepts in the PSSA that requires Land personnel to become more familiar with JV concepts and JV personal to become more familiar with Land concepts.
Seating is limited so please register here today.