Summer Update 2017 From the President’s Office


It’s hard to believe Stampede Parade Day is almost upon us. Here are a few things you should know about –

The books – The CAPL books are in good hands under Kristin Rennie and major changes are coming to an email vote in October for members so we can address the financials of CAPL in a serious and major way. What is likely? Based on our 2 surveys, general feedback and meetings with the past and present Board, we will want to have financial flexibility and that means we will hold quarterly membership meetings and up to three other networking meetings a year, rather than the current 10 meetings. Fees for networking meetings will be abolished and we will adjust the costs for guests at the networking meetings as well.

Support for CAPL – Historically CAPL has had its highest financial support from the legal and service community. Today, we are heading back on the path to receive sponsorship from Industry as well but we are managing it under the new Board Marketing Committee under Marah Graham (Cona Resources Ltd.), Janice Redmond (Action Land) and Shaun Williams (Husky.) Advertising, Conference support, Negotiator articles and Social Event sponsorship will be managed so that CAPL and the sponsors have the best advantage for the dollars that are donated. You will hear more on this topic.

Education –Our Education Committee is highly motivated to find ways to find the right materials, the right instructors and the right way to deliver (e.g. internal company classes) the products to make it work – and have it all work with the professionalism model we have in place. Webinar courses – we are looking at what works best and how soon we can get these to you. At issue is who owns the rights to the materials, CAPL or the instructor? If it is CAPL so much the easier. Again –  don’t let our CAPL classrooms sit empty. Please book them for a negotiable price and let’s use this valuable resource sooner than later. See Conference news below.

2017 Conference – We are 15% booked with registrants already since opening registration the week of June 20th. Updates are regularly posted to the CAPL website so stay tuned and watch these updates. A new CAPL Conference phone APP is replacing the former printed conference program.  This simple and effective tool for all delegates will place program and session details at people’s fingertips. In addition to the main conference program, the free CAPL Courses are a huge bonus for all to take advantage of as we Engage, Educate, and Execute on our promises.

Keep in touch – Members are taking advantage of our email addresses and and tell us about your solutions, your ‘beefs and bouquets’ as it is described. We are looking forward to the official commissioning of the large CAPL classroom after Jim O’Byrne, the new 2017 PJVA CAPL Pad Site Sharing Agreement in November and the 2017 Property Transfer Procedure which provide each of us with ample opportunities to learn and execute on those learnings.

Be safe this summer as you are on the roads and as you go, please pass on the real truth behind fossil fuels, Canada’s dependence on them and the livelihood we all enjoy as a result of same and speaking that truth into the lives of ordinary Canadians who need to hear it, maybe for the first time.


Larry Buzan, P.Land
CAPL President 2016-2018