“What the frack!” Watch a clip from Fractured that highlights the meaning of this phrase so loved by the anti-carbon energy crowd.
FRACTURED makes the case that virtually every word and phrase we use when we talk about energy is wrong and that these misleading terms cause people to believe in expensive, dangerous illusions. Watch an exclusive excerpt from the pre-release of the movie by clicking here.
– Mark Mathis
Participate in the Crowd Fund Campaign
Fractured hits 11% of its goal in the first six days!
In case you missed it…
In our last update we thanked Leonardo DiCaprio for lecturing us on our energy use after he wins an Oscar. See how Fractured exposes him as a hypocrite. Watch Now (scroll down the page)
Another Installment
This newest film is produced in the same entertaining, provocative and highly informative way that audiences appreciated with “spOILed”.