Proudly supporting the 4-H Foundation of Alberta

On behalf of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen and this year’s first ever Barn Burner Committee, we would like to thank all who attended.  This year we continued our support of the 4-H through an exciting new event – the 2015 CAPL Spring Barn Burner!  We are extremely excited to announce that with the generous support of our 2015 sponsors and contributors, this year’s fundraiser was a huge success, raising over $20,000.00 for the 4-H Foundation of Alberta!!  This simply could not have happened without your investment in this fundraiser and Alberta’s youth within the 4-H program.  The dollars raised will be contributed to the Regional Communication Competitions, Club Week, Summer Camping Programs and Scholarships for both Northern and Southern Alberta.

The 50/50 Prize Winner was Tracy Dawson!

Thank you again for your participation in this event and dedication to the 4-H Foundation of Alberta.  We appreciate your commitment and support and look for ward to working with all of you again next year!!

Special thanks to country music artists Aaron Pritchett, Lyndsay Butler and Tanya Ryan plus Sun Country 99.7 for their amazing support and entertainment!

We also thank the following sponsors and contributors for their generous support:

Action Land & Environmental Ltd., All-Can Engineering & Surveys (1976) Ltd., AMAR Surveys Ltd., Balzac Meats, Bennett Jones LLP, Birchcliff Energy Ltd., Blends Inc., Canada West Land Services Ltd., Carmel Bay Exploration Ltd., Cowboy’s, Epicure Cigar & Pipe Ltd., Heritage Pointe Golf Course, Hurland Services, Integrity Land Inc., LandSolutions LP, McNally Land Services Ltd., Opus Stewart Weir Ltd., SarPoint Engineering Ltd., Spur Resources Ltd., Synergy Land Services Ltd., Touchdown Land Consultants Ltd., Universal Geomatic Solutions, WSP Global Inc., plus Gary Richardson and the Barn Burner Committee.